Project management subsystem for the main operating activities of the enterprise
Subsystem of registration of enterprise’s economic operations (calculation and payment of wages,
accounting of fixed assets, accounting of cash flow, accrual of administrative costs, accrual of
from non-core activities)
Budgeting subsystem (input of planned income and expenditure budgets and cash flow budgets)
Subsystem for the formation of regulated management reporting (management balance sheet, budget
execution report, financial result report, cash flow report)
Subsystem for generating reports on the main operating activities (projects’ summary report, report
the profitability and profitability of project activities, registers of project activities forms)
Financial document management subsystem (signature chain management and financial document signing
Time and attendance subsystem (registration of working time costs in the context of the company's
clients, time costs report, schedule for timesheets filling by company employees, subsystem for
calculating the cost of an employee's hour of work)
Subsystem for informing users about the events that have occurred.